Foot Dimanche and #MeufDeFoot support the association Graines de Footballeuses
100% of the margin generated on the #MeufDeFoot collection is donated in full to Graines de Footballeuses, in order to finance programs to promote football among the youngest.
Collection of 100% organic cotton T-shirts and sweatshirts, made in France, using the community hashtag #MeufDeFoot. A hashtag aimed at supporting the inclusion of "girls" in football in general and promoting women's football.
21 products
Tee Shirt Bébé Meuf de Foot
Bonnet pêcheur MEUF DE FOOT
Tote Bag Meuf de Foot
Tee Shirt MEUF DE FOOT brodé
Tee Shirt MEUF DE FOOT brodé
Casquette MEUF DE FOOT brodé
Bonnet pêcheur MEUF DE FOOT
Casquette MEUF DE FOOT brodé